What We Have Growing

Spring 2023 Availability

Fruits & Nuts

Name Varieties
Apple Gala, Yellow Delicious, Fuji, 3N1, Empire, Enterprise, Galarina, Pristine, Goldrush
Apricot Native
Aronia Berry Red, Black, McKenzie (Black)
Blackberry Triple Crown Thornless
Blueberry Duke, Hannah's Choice, Elliott, Highbush, Sweethaerat, Toro
Chestnut American, Chinese
Chokecherry Common
Crabapple Yellow Dog, Dolgo, Big Dog, Hewes, State Fair
Currant Red, Black, Yellow
Elderberry American, Chinese
Goji Berry Phoenix Tears
Pecan Hardy
Haskap Berry Czech, Tundra
Hazelnut American
Mulberry Red
Peach Read Haven, Bonfire, Bonanza
Pear Bartlett, Comice, Red D'Anjou
Plum Santa Rosa, American, Chickasaw
Rasberry Red, Ohio Treasure (Black) , Black Delicious
Name Varieties
Aspen Quaking
Bald Cypress
Birch Paper, River, Whitespire
Canada Red Chokecherry
Cherry (ornamental) Black, First Blush, Nanking, Yoshino
Crabapple Midwest, Siberian, Red Splendor, Sargentii
Dawn Redwood
Dogwood Kousa, Heart Throb,
Elm Lacebark, American
Ginkgo Autumn Gold
Hawthorn Homestead Arnold, Washington
Horse chestnut
Magnolia Gold Star
Maples Autumn Balze, Crimson, Redpointe, Pacific Sunset, John Pair, Red
Mountain Ash
Northern Catalpa
Oak Scarlet, Red, Bur, Chinquapin, Sawtooth, Pin
Ohio Buckeye
Poplar Lombardy, Norway, Siouxland
Red Bud Eastern, Forest Pansy
Serviceberry Autumn Brilliance, Snowcloud
Sourwood (Sorrel)
Thornless Honeylocust
Thundercloud Plum
Willows Hybrid, Weeping, Laurel Leaf, Peach Leaf
Name Varieties
Arborvitae Green Giant, Emerald Green,
Dogwood Red Osier, Gray, Silky
Dwarf Burning Bush
False Indigo
Flowering Raspberry
Golden Vicary Privet
Henrys Garnet Sweetspire
Hydrangea Oakleaf, PeeGee, Nikko Blue, Annabelle, Tardiva, Silver Dollar
Hypericum Sun Burst (St. John's Wort)
Juniper Bar Harbor, Sea Green, Rocky Mountain
Lynwood Gold Forsythia
Merlot Sweetspire
Pea Shrub
Purple Leaf Sand Cherry
Rose of Sharon
Russian Almond
ServiceBerry Allegheny, Autumn Brilliance, Shadblow
Spirea Anthony Waterer, Gold Flame, Snowmound
Sumac Fragrant, Smooth, Fuzzy (Staghorn), Shining
Viburnum Arrowwood, Mapleleaf, Nannyberry
Willows Blue Arctic, Corkscrew, Dappled, Golden, French Pussy Willow, Scarlet
Witchhazel Common, Vernal
Common Name Botanical Name Sizes
Adagio Maiden Grass Miscanthus sinensis 'Adagio' 1-3 gallon
Avalanche Grass Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Avalanche' 1-3 gallon
Hardy Pampass Grass Erianthus ravennae 1-3 gallon
Morning Light Grass Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light' 1-3 gallon
Strawberries and Cream Ribbon Grass Phalaris arundinacea 'Strawberries And Cream' 1-3 gallon
Tufted Hair Grass Deschampsia cespitosa 1-3 gallon
Zebra Grass Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus' 1-3 gallon


Name Variety
Astilbe Visions, Vision in Red, Vision in Pink
Dianthus Firestar, Firewitch
Coral Bell Caramel, Georgia Peach, Obsidian
Hosta Blue Angel, First Frost, Francee, Guacamole
Knock Out Rose Red, Pink

Even if I were certain that the world would end tomorrow, I would plant a tree this very day

-Martin Luther King, Jr.